Bullying, Intimidation, Discrimination, Harassment, and Hazing
District Policy
Gilbert Public Schools is committed to providing all students with a safe school environment where everyone is treated with respect. Students have a right to be free from any form of bullying, intimidation, discrimination, harassment, and hazing. Students, parents and District employees have a right and a responsibility to report incidents. Reports should be made within 30 calendar days of the most recent incident.
- Bullying is the repeated act of intentionally inflicting physical harm and/or psychological distress on others inflicting physical harm and/or psychological distress on others (to include, but not limited to, fear, anxiety, psychological and emotional harm).
- Intimidation is intentional behavior which causes fear of injury or harm.
- Discrimination or harassment is the mistreatment based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, disability or religion.
- Hazing is any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student and in which both of the following apply:
- The act is committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with an educational institution including but not limited to an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, or club.
- The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal degradation.
- There is no defense of this violation if the victim consented or acquiesced.
Any of the above actions occurring on district property, coming and going from school, at or near school bus stops, in district vehicles, off campus during the normal school day, including release periods, at school events on or off campus, or through the use of district property is covered under this policy.
All violations are subject to consequences in accordance with policy JIC, Student Conduct, including possible police involvement. Please refer to GPS policies JB, JICFA, JICFB for a complete copy of the District policies.
The following regulations apply:
Students and others should report any incidents to a District employee.
It is mandatory that District employees report any incidents in writing to school administration.
The District employee shall preserve the confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school administrator or as otherwise required by law.
Instances of reported or observed that are in violation of the law or involve possible child abuse must be reported to the appropriate agency.
Reported incidents will be investigated within ten instructional school days or within fifteen days during which the school offices are open for business when school is not in session.
All violations of the policy shall be treated in accordance with the appropriate procedures and penalties provided for under Policy JIC, Student Conduct, and ARS 15-341.
Students and others should report any incidents to a District employee.
It is mandatory that District employees report any incidents in writing to school administration.
The District employee shall preserve the confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school administrator or as otherwise required by law.
Instances of reported or observed that are in violation of the law or involve possible child abuse must be reported to the appropriate agency.
Reported incidents will be investigated within ten instructional school days or within fifteen days during which the school offices are open for business when school is not in session.
All violations of the policy shall be treated in accordance with the appropriate procedures and penalties provided for under Policy JIC, Student Conduct, and ARS 15-341.
If you feel you or someone you know is the target of discrimination, hazing, harassment, bullying or intimidation, you are encouraged to speak with your teacher, counselor or administrator.
Students may access the Summary of Facts HERE.